Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What Does Ramadan Mean To a Muslim?

Ramadan is the most Holy Month of the Islamic Lunar Calender, and as such, is extremely important to Muslims. During this ninth month of the Lunar Calendar, self-denial is paramount, involving not eating or drinking during daylight hours and other self-sacrifices, such as not smoking. It is also the time of the year when people take the time to examine their lives and see where any improvements can be made. These may include giving up any bad habits, patching up and differences with family and friends and forgive those who have done us a disservice.


With the lack of food during the daylight hours, it can place a large strain on the body, as can the lack of fluid. So, when they are permitted to eat and drink, during the time they are permitted, it is wise for them to eat and drink foods that are valuable to keep them satiated during this time. A lot of Muslims eat dates and other things that are easily digested but will provide the necessary fuel that the body needs during this sacrifice.


During this lunar month, which can be around eleven days behind each year simply  because of the lunar calendar not being the same as the  seasonal calendar, Ramadan does not have a set date. This year of two thousand and twelve, for instance, it will be between the twentieth July and the eighteenth of August. Every thirty four years, a Muslim will have fasted for every day of the Georgian Calendar.


When the Muslim feels hunger and thirst during this period, then it is hoped that he or she will relate to those who go hungry every day, increased prayers will make a person feel nearer to the Creator and accept that everything good comes from Him


Mr. RK. Ahmadh Riffai Kariapper
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka

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